What is a Research Study?

Research Study

It is almost impossible to imagine the modern world without a research. Books, television, Internet – all these commonly used items anyhow stimulate modern individuals to participate in the research. However, only the knowledge of what is a research study may serve as a great assistance in performing a successful research with the use of the appropriate methodological framework. Generally speaking, in the broad sense, the notion of research presumes the collection of various data and facts and is aimed to advance the knowledge of humans. The research study, however, is a research on a certain issue performed with a help of certain methodology. In order not to confuse these two notions each intelligent individual should be aware of what is a research study and what are its main types as well.

Defining a Research Study

Research study could be defined as a thorough and detailed study that deals with a certain scientific problem or issue and utilizes different research methods including qualitative, quantitative, regression, correlation, and meta-analysis. The best way to successfully accomplish the research study is to turn the main scientific issue into question and seek the answer to it during the whole process of research.

Structure of the Research Study

In order to be accessible and understandable for the readers, research study should be clearly structured and consist of such sections as title, abstract, introduction, literature review, method, results, discussion, references, and significance of the study as well. The title of the study is designed to grab the main idea of the study, its key aspects, and methods. Abstract could be defined as a summary or overview of the whole research. Introduction specifies the main reasons for the study and highlights the fundamental investigations in the particular area. A literature review is a careful examination of what the literature says on a particular topic and issues considered in it. Methods describe the hypothesis, procedures, participants, and materials that were used in the particular research study. The section with results includes all the outcomes of the study and depends on whether the research was qualitative or quantitative. Discussion presumes the interpretation of the results, the answer to the hypothesis, and its validation. Reference part includes the list of all academic sources that were used in the particular research study. Finally, the significance of the study defines the need for further research and investigation in the specific area.

Importance of the Research Study

The research study is of the utmost importance for all scientific disciplines without exception. For instance, in the healthcare it has introduced a number of medical treatments, in marketing assisted in creating strategies for survival of companies, in psychology helped to explain the behavior of individuals. Research study depicts the best examples of papers with different scopes, methods, limitations, data, and theories of data interpretation. In this manner, it promotes the expansion of knowledge in different scientific topics. Moreover, research study assists in the establishment of new facts, discoveries, and conclusions. All in all, it successfully utilizes the collected information to tackle the issues of varying complexity.