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In this section, you can make use of well-thought-out sample terms papers, essay examples and model research papers. Along with that here you can find a variety of practical essay writing tips. Free example papers and essay samples available on our website can be used solely as guidelines and instructions for your own work. Beware, a free sample paper downloaded from our resource can be further indicated as plagiarized. If you require a 100% unique high-quality paper - don’t hesitate to contact our custom writing service. All our authors are capable of dealing with the assignments of Master’s and Ph.D. levels. Making an order from our company, you receive a non-plagiarized high-quality piece of writing created from scratch according to your demands.

Communication Research Topics [+ 160 Fresh Topic Ideas]

Covering a worthy communication research theme is challenging for college students and aspiring researchers. Why? Communication is a broad topic. Its main areas include but aren’t limited to mass, interpersonal, political, digital, intercultural, corporate, and crisis communication. How do you decide on a relevant and significant topic for your research paper? How do you know it will engage the audience and resonate with contemporary issues in the niche?

choosing communication research topics

The Term Paper Format: How to Arrange Your Ideas Effectively

No matter what major you choose, writing term papers will be an essential part of your studying process. Usually, this type of assignment has a major influence on your grade because it demonstrates what you’ve learned in the course. You will need to explain concepts, analyze information, and apply what you’ve learned to a specific topic.

term paper format


History Research Paper Topics and Tips for Writing

A history research paper is an important part of the educational process which allows students to gain a full understanding of the topic being studied and develop their competence in critically analyzing information. Writing a history research paper helps students improve their ability to independently work with literature, collect and systematize material, and reflect it in a structured and logical form. This process is a necessary stage of education which helps in the acquisition of knowledge in the subject.
history research paper topics

Gender Equality Essay

Gender equality is one of those topics that you hear a lot about but maybe don’t always stop to really think about. It’s something that has sparked countless debates, protests, and movements around the world, and it’s a topic that’s still very much in the spotlight. Whether you’re working on an essay about it, just trying to understand it better, or figuring out how to support equal opportunities for more women in your everyday life, understanding gender equality and violence against women is super important.

gender equility essay


How to Write an Article Review [Advanced Guide]

Most academic writing tasks are pretty challenging for college students because it requires some time as well as some specific knowledge to come up with a masterpiece. Well, there is hardly a student who remembers all the writing requirements by heart; anytime you have to handle a particular college paper, you are more likely to need all the main points you have to consider to refresh your knowledge about this type of assignment.

how to write an article review


Business Research Topics: Useful Ideas and Practical Tips

Sometimes, choosing non-trivial business research topics can take more time than doing a research study. You might be indecisive about the specific issue you want to discuss, whether it’s local business operations, international business, or the ethical considerations of recently approved policies. Even though there are many helpful tools that college students can use thanks to our digital age, they are still looking for a source of inspiration and guidance when it comes to working on business projects. If you are one of them and need to create something outstanding for your business classes, this article is for you.

business research topics

Networking Presentation Topics

Networking Presentation TopicsIf you’re a huge fan of Hollywood products, than you definitely have a list of favorite movies or cartoons that make your heart go boom. Nothing can take your attention away from the screen when your favorite celeb is shining bright like a diamond.

The relationship that actors capture on the screen is, without any doubt, different than the relationship that you have with the target audience you’ve prepared a PowerPoint presentation for. Still, as a speaker, you have exactly the same desired result – you don’t want your audience to look your words away. But unlike the screen stories, you are not provided with 2 or 3 hours to maintain everyone’s attention. (more…)

The List of Literature Review Topic Ideas that Will Be Surely Accepted by Your Instructor

Literature Review Topic IdeasA typical literature review comprises and evaluates different sources of research available for a particular topic that you’re writing about at college. Taking into account the fact that the formats of a literature review tend to vary. Ensure you follow your tutor’s requirements to the dot at first. As a rule, the literature review writing process includes several steps:

  • defining a topic,
  • conducting a thorough research on a question,
  • searching for relevant resources,
  • analyzing and evaluating sources,
  • coming up with a solid thesis statement,
  • writing an actual literature review.


Hot Literature Review Example Topics: How to Cover the Literature at Its Best

Literature Review Example TopicsWhen it comes to a literature review, the project is usually crafted for identifying, evaluating and interpreting certain works created by scholars, researchers and academics. The reason why it is necessary to complete literature reviews lies in the fact that without it a writer won’t acquire the full understanding of a topic, what research has been already conducted on it, in what way it has been researched, and what the core issues are.

What is more, it gives readers the relevant background of what has been found within the area already, so giving the right context for the work. (more…)

Essay Writing Topics for High School Students: Best Songs to Work to

Essay Writing Topics for High SchoolMusic makes this world a better place. Do you agree with that? Imagine you’re having the first date hoping for a kiss or walking to the class with no assignment done, the right tune – either a new or long forgotten song – can evoke your mood and work magic with your academic progress, the gym activity and the relationship with your SO.

If every day in your college life begins with music and listening to it motivates you to do better or gives you a fresh eye while making important decisions, then check out the list of the songs that turn any writing trap into an interesting adventure. (more…)