Simple Ways of How to Make Best Presentation Slides

Best Presentation SlidesNowadays, a majority of people is facing a problem of how to make best presentation slides. Actually, it is easy to deal with this task following a number of basic rules, which underline central points of the effectiveness. By the way, preparation of presentation slides has become a general practice of people from secondary schools to managers of global corporations. In fact, presentation slides help the viewer represent own ideas along with an essential information. However, this process takes a lot of time without experienced practicing. On the other hand, some presentations do not fully or properly illustrate the information so that the audience cannot understand the core idea of it or understand it in a wrong way. Therefore, there is a high necessity to become aware of knowing how to make best presentation slides, as a list of useful hints would make each slide worthy.

Creation of Effective Presentation Slides

Presentation slides are one of the best and quickest ways to represent or explain useful information to the audience. Therefore, the first advice is to make the presentation clear and use a minimum number of slides. Actually, this point is essential to keep the audience interested as well as attentive. Moreover, it is important to choose a right font style as, sometimes, people face some difficulties in reading the content of the slide. The message should be available for reading from a distance.

In addition, the same option factor plays a major role in choosing a proper font size, as different size is readable from another distance:

  • a one-inch letter – from 10 feet;
  • a two-inch – 20 feet;
  • a three-inch – 30 feet;

The next step is to use bullet points or simple sentences which would keep words on one line, without wrapping. Basically, this way the audience would enjoy just remarkable moments of the presentation, but not slides, full of inefficient text. Moreover, creativity is highly appreciated in order to make the best slide, for instance, the use of art. In particular, slides may involve various graphics or charts, which help to convey the primary message. Additionally, best slides are impossible without a consistent theme of the slide background. This point is highly important as a background subtle should not detract the audience from the text on it.

Structure of Effective Presentation

There is no necessity to be a public speaker for being aware of the proper presentation slide structure. The first slide is an introduction, so it should address the title, date, and also the name of the author. The next part of presentation should consist of an outline slide, some content slides, and also a finishing slide. In fact, intro slide, content, and also final slides may involve some bullet points, but not images or pictures.

On the contrary, all content slides would be just better with the use of pictures, which are worth of a thousand of the speaker’s words. Overall, following a core advice, would give the opportunity to create the best slides ever.