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Business Case Presentation

A business is a great idea that has been transformed into a solid project. At the beginning, one is required to present the idea to several decision makers, and it is vital to be straightforward and clear to earn the decision makers’ support. When one fails to present a winning delivery even though having a best-laid business case, there are higher chances of losing due to lack of traction. It is believed that a memorable business case presentation has the (more...)

Business Case Preparation

Although preparing cases is an important requirement is any school of business, there’s no specific way of doing it. However, students are advised to invest valuable time for business case preparation in order to ensure the best results. Before you attend the classroom discussion, it is significant to ensure you have carefully studied the scheduled case. Despite having so much on your hands, such as extracurricular activities, coursework, and finals among others, there’s no good reason why you should not secure (more...)

Business Case Interview Examples

A business case interview is a job cross-examination that involves framing questions in the form of a case study and allowing a job applicant to analyze the situation and present answers. The business case interview involves the interviewer giving the applicant a challenge, situation, or a question and providing an opportunity for the interviewee to ask questions for clarifications before responding to the case situation. Often, the business case interview is a business challenge that the interviewer has encountered in real life. Business (more...)

8 Free Critical Thinking Online Games and Apps to Boost Your Grades

Did you know that critical thinking is like 2500 years old? No, we’re not kidding. It was Socrates who started doubting people’s claims and challenged them to support their statements with sustainable proofs. But, of course, it was popular only among guys like Socrates as there weren’t any media to popularize the phenomenon. Right now you see “critical thinking online courses” or “critical thinking apps” on every website you go because suddenly everybody wants you to have analytical skills applied (more...)

Forensic Psychology Dissertation Topics Based on the Shootings in the US

Despite the fact that forensic psychology is a relatively young discipline (it was accepted as a separate specialty in 2001), it plays an important role in a judicial system. Forensic psychologists work with criminals, witnesses, victims and all other subjects participating in the legal proceedings. They often act as expert witnesses that interpret the results of psychological investigations to the court. This means that a person involved into the forensic psychology has to know not only his/her own specialization, but (more...)

How to Get the Most Out of Free Math Tutoring with Khan Academy

All big concepts start from small ideas in the heads of prominent people, and Khan Academy is not an exception. It was founded in 2006 by Salman Khan, a passionate teacher and educator who first tutored his cousins using Internet and filming short videos for YouTube, and when the demand grew exponentially, created a nonprofit learning platform. As for the free math tutoring, Khan Academy has probably the biggest database of video lessons and practicing exercises among other e-learning websites. (more...)

Graduation Project Topics on Religion-Based Terrorism from KKK to Al Qaeda

According to the Country Reports on Terrorism 2016, there are 61 registered terrorist organizations in the world. The grouping that presents the biggest global threat is the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) with Al Qaeda being the second organization in size and endangering mainly the USA. The numbers and outcomes of terrorist attacks are terrifying, but far too significant to be neglected. That’s why writing a graduation paper and researching this issue can be not only a means (more...)

“Readings in the Parlor” for Your Harvard University Creative Writing Classes

Here is an interesting fact: in Harvard yard there is a statue with an inscription “John Harvard, Founder, 1638”. And everything would be perfectly fine with it, if students didn’t call it “the Statue of Three Lies” Why? Well, firstly, John Harvard was never a founder, but a sponsor. Secondly, the university was created in 1636, not in 1638. And, thirdly, the statue depicts some student the sculptor used as inspiration, not the actual John Harvard. But besides this slight (more...)

Good Thesis Topics List for Techies even Elon Musk Would Approve

The role of modern technologies in the current society is of huge importance. It helps the humanity in multiple ways and each year, we enjoy the novelties of the technological progress. They sufficiently ease our life, offer great conveniences, the quickness of fulfillment almost all options. Consequently, more and more young people attend technological colleges and universities. This branch is utterly popular. One of the greatest difficulties for techies is to write essays. It goes without saying that you will (more...)

Why You Should Get an Essay Written for You and Focus on Socializing

Have you ever thought about the fact that colleges actually were set up not only to get a degree, but also to develop your social skills? Interpersonal communication is as important as gaining academic knowledge and that’s why you study in groups. But, nowadays, due to the load of assignments, you hardly ever get enough time to socialize, and this fact negatively impacts your mood as well as mental health. According to the research conducted by the University of Minnesota, (more...)